CDSRA | Calgary District Soccer Referees Association

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Congratulations to Alberta National Instructors!

Top Row (L-R): Martin Batterson (NL), Ian Fradsham (PEI), Alexis Vaughan (ON), Hector Vergara, Michelle Pye, Isaac Raymond, Sheena Dickson (AB), Kevin Wildfong (BC), Sebastien Dube (QC)

Bottom Row (L-R): David O’Neill (AB), Jose Branco (BC), Daniel Belleau (QC), Bob Sawtell (BC), Carman King (NS), Layne Greenway (AB), Richard Sansregret (AB), Len Chelak (SK)

Congratulations to CDSRA members Layne Greenway and Richard Sansregret, both of whom attended Canada Soccer’s National Instructor clinic this past weekend in Toronto, ON, alongside David O’Neill and Sheena Dickson!

Alberta has 5 instructors and assessors in the national program:

  • David O’Neill | National Instructor, National Assessor, NextGen Program Prairies Regional Coach

  • Sheena Dickson | National Instructor, NextGen Program Women’s Coach

  • Layne Greenway | National Instructor, CSA Referees Committee Member

  • Stu Murray | National Assessor

  • Richard Sansregret | National Instructor

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