Your Pathway in Refereeing with Laurie Hastings - Registration Form

Event Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 @7PM over Zoom

Please note that we have limited spots for this event and that priority access will be given to CDSRA membership. If you are a CDSRA member, please do not complete this form as you will receive an email with direct registration information. Please note that non-CDSRA members who have attended two or more prior sessions will be required to purchase a membership prior to attending this event. If you have any questions in this regard please contact

To become a CDSRA member visit Once you purchase your membership you will get an email containing direct registration information for this event. While CDSRA is Calgary based, our education sessions are typically held online and as such we welcome new members from around the province. Memberships are currently being offered at a 50% discount, and fees paid will be deducted from next years memberships meaning new members get 16 months for the price of 12.