Second HeyRef Group Order

The CDSRA Executive is pleased to announce a partnership with soccer referee store

Calgary referees (through the CDSRA) are eligible for 10% discounts on orders placed up till July 15. Orders placed will then be distributed directly to you with zero shipping fees.

Note: Referees not based in Calgary but are active members of the CDSRA can also take advantage of this discount but will have to arrange their own delivery if not attending an in-person IRT.


  1. To place your order visit

  2. Checkout and enter the code 'CDSRA' to receive a 10% discount

  3. For shipping method select 'In store pickup'

  4. Your order will then be distributed at the next CDSRA IRT (July 20). A separate date / location can be arranged if this does not work for you.

We would like to extend our public thanks to Wayne Telfer (operator of HeyRef) for his support and it is our hope that CDSRA members and/or Calgary area referees can take advantage of this offer in order for us to consider similar arrangements in the future.

If you have any questions please email Sim who is our lead on this initiative (


CDSRA Executive


Congrats to CDSRA Members


Back in Person July 6