CDSRA | Calgary District Soccer Referees Association

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We'd Like your Feedback!

As we near the end of the road of this pandemic, your CDSRA Executive is beginning to consider what our offerings should look like in a post-covid world. With this in mind, we have created a membership survey to give members an opportunity to give us their valuable input.

  • 2021/2022 Membership Survey

  • Deadline: Tuesday, June 8

  • Topics: Education, Communication/Technology, Clothing Orders

  • Complete Here

CDSRA Bylaws Modernization Committee

We are pleased to be opening up applications from members to sit on the CDSRA Bylaws Modernization Committee. This committee will be tasked with updating the CDSRA constitution to simplify and modernize the rules to better align with the way the organization operates present-day.

  • CDSRA Bylaws Modernization Committee- Declaration of Interest

  • Deadline: Tuesday, June 8

  • Complete Here

Our next IRT is a special event with FIFA & PRO Assistant Referee Micheal Barwegen on Tuesday, June 1 @7PM. Stay tuned for an email containing registration information in the coming days. As always, you can see all our upcoming events by visiting our calendar at

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
