CDSRA September Plans + Updates

We are pleased to confirm that September will be our first ever "Support a CDSRA Member Month."

  • We will be hosting two formal live-in-person game watches that will be led by an instructor/assessor.

  • In addition to this we are also publishing a list of games that other members can come out and watch.

Game #1- Saturday September 18 @6PM*

  • Cavalry FC U20 vs Callies FC

  • Location: Broadview Park (Google Maps)

Game #2- Sunday September 19 @12:30PM**

  • Mount Royal vs MacEwan (USports)

  • Location: Mount Royal University Main Field (Google Maps)

* This event is part of CUSA's grand opening of Broadview for which the CDSRA and its members have been kindly invited by CUSA. You must be an active CDSRA member to attend this game watch.

** Parking is free at MRU

Informal Game Watches

Members of Calgary CARD Group have published their list of games which can be found here. CDSRA members are welcome to come and attend. These will be informal game watches. If you would like to include your game on the list please complete this form. Names of officials on these games will not be released publicly at this time.

CDSRA on Instagram

The CDSRA is excited to have launched a new Instagram account this past month. Make sure you give us a follow at @calgarysoccerrefs. Photos and Videos from our last IRT are already up, and we look forward to using this more to promote and celebrate our officials.

CDSRA Photo-Contest

As part of our Instagram launch we are running a photo contest! Send us photos of yourself or other referees in action during a game or training. Submit all photos by sending us a DM on Instagram or by emailing them to Rebecca at The top prize is a free set of write-on-cards and a coin, the next 4 people (2nd to 5th place) will get a free coin. Photos will be featured on our Instagram page. Winners will be contacted by October 10th.

HeyRef Bag Order Update

Thanks to those that were interested in our HeyRef bag order. We are currently pausing the order so that we can get more accurate information about the cost of embroidery. We expect an update by the end of the month.

We look forward to seeing you this month. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Best Regards,



Update on CDSRA Weekend Events


Congrats to CDSRA Members