Member of the Month: Gareth Kmet
The CDSRA Member of the Month features referees of different ages, levels, and backgrounds to reflect the diversity in our referee community and our association. Our February 2022 Member of the Month is Gareth Kmet
Questions & Answers:
Q: Current Referee Level & Highest level attained:
A: District. Currently in regional upgrade program (Took course September 2021)
Q: When did you begin, and what motivated you to start refereeing?
A: I began refereeing in 2017 as a Mini Referee. Before this, I had been playing soccer for quite a bit, so the opportunity to earn some money while participating in the game I love was very intriguing.
Q: When did you begin, and what motivated you to start refereeing?
A: I began refereeing in 2017 as a Mini Referee. Before this, I had been playing soccer for quite a bit, so the opportunity to earn some money while participating in the game I love was very intriguing.
What has been your most enjoyable game/memory of your referee career?
A: The most memorable/enjoyable game that I have had would be a U12-1 boy’s game I had in my first year of being a Youth referee. Before the game, I had gotten a nice phone call from CMSA stating that there had been some problems with the teams in other matches and to be prepared for possible issues. Luckily, after being able to insert my presence early in the game, the game started to flow very well. By the end, I was able to become invisible as the referee with the game becoming very fast and exciting without a single complaint on any calls. To this day, I still think of this game as being one of the best examples of how soccer is intended to be played.
Q: What do you love most about refereeing?
A: Before finding CDSRA and the whole refereeing community, I used to love the ability to teach and inspire kids while also being able to get a good workout. As I progress through the older ages and become apart of the refereeing community, I love the ability to meet so many different people and connect with others who love the sport.
Q: When did you first become a CDSRA member. and what encouraged you to join?
A: I became a CDSRA member in July of 2021. A couple days before this, I had the chance to referee with some other CDSRA members and they told me about the teaching and training sessions that CDSRA holds. As I was new and eager to become better, I immediately took the chance to learn and to meet other more experienced officials who could help me become the best I could be.
Q: What advice would you give to somebody just starting out refereeing?
A: Show confidence, be engaged, look sharp, communicate everything. If you are always close to the play and letting everyone know what you are calling with sharp signals and good communication, you will gain automatic respect and authority with all players coaches and parents.
Q: What do you do outside of refereeing and what are some of your interests?
A: Outside of refereeing, I find myself spending most of my time working on school or programming random projects. Also, I spend time drumming, walking my dog, or the occasional ski trip.