Member of the Month: Terry Day
The CDSRA Member of the Month features referees of different ages, levels, and backgrounds to reflect the diversity in our referee community and our association. Our June 2022 Member of the Month is Terry Day
Questions & Answers:
Q: Current Referee Level & Highest level attained:
A: Current level: District.
Former level: Provincial.
Additional information: Instructor and Assessor.
Q: When did you begin, and what motivated you to start refereeing?
A: I began refereeing in the early 1970’s. My soccer coach at the time came to my home on a Friday evening and asked me for a favour. My first thought was that he was pulling me from the weekend game. I was surprised when he asked me to referee a game the next morning at a local field. He said that I had played enough soccer that I would be ok refereeing the game. My next thought was that I do not have a whistle… he pulled one out of his pocket and told me to just wear something black. That was 50 years ago…my first referee experience may not have been my choice, but refereeing is now what I love most about the game of soccer.
What has been your most enjoyable game/memory of your referee career?
A: The highlight of my referee career, and biggest surprise, was receiving the ASA Golden Whistle Award in 2017. I was extremely honoured and humbled by this recognition.
A vivid memory from refereeing a game at Shouldice 13… a division 4 game. As I was moving into position for a corner kick, I heard someone yell “get your butt in gear and get moving.” It was Mr. Andrew Ungar a national assessor watching from the next field. That old saying there is always someone watching you has stayed with me since then. I am always going out there “Be the best that you can be.”
Q: What do you love most about refereeing?
A: I have memories of watching the 1966 World Cup in Wembley on my grandfathers super eight film. This piqued my interest in soccer and the rules of the game.
I enjoy going to the soccer field at every opportunity. It does not matter which age group or what division I am refereeing; I enjoy the atmosphere of teamwork, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.
In 1988 when I arrived in Calgary refereeing was extremely competitive; to get better games you had to continually advance and upgrade your qualifications. With three FIFA referees, National referees, and upcoming talented referees’ game opportunities were limited. At all times you had to “Do Your Best” to be assigned higher level games. As soccer has expanded and more leagues are opening the next generation of referees are fortunate to have greater opportunities to hone their skills with competitive games throughout the season within Alberta. It is still rewarding to improve your knowledge but with a little less pressure.
Q: When did you first become a CDSRA member and what encouraged you to join?
A: I first joined CUSA in 1988; when the office was at Broadview Field and Anne Blackwood mentioned the CDSRA program. Meeting, talking, and learning from other experienced referees every month was inspiring. I have met fantastic people through the CDSRA and enjoy connecting with others who are equally enthusiastic about soccer.
Q: What advice would you give to somebody just starting out refereeing?
A: I want to encourage the new referees to have fun, be themselves, be confident and have respect for the players and fellow referees. By showing respect you will receive respect…. a loud whistle helps! (haha)
Q: What do you do outside of refereeing and what are some of your interests?
A: Over the years I have volunteered at the Calgary Stampeders games and the Calgary BMX Park…. Sports are my hobby. My current down time is with children and grandchildren. This spring my 5-year-old grandson played his first season of soccer. I was on the sidelines routing and smiling with all the other parents. I am thrilled to see the game is continuing to bring families together and encourage sportsmanship within the community.