CDSRA | Calgary District Soccer Referees Association

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CDSRA March Events + Updates

Thank you to everyone that attended our IRT this past Tuesday. We have one more event in February (in-person) with three more events scheduled for March including our Special General Meeting taking place on Tuesday, March 15th.

Sunday, February 27 @10AM (In-Person)

  • Fitness Testing (Hosted by CARD Calgary)

  • $5 Fee

  • Register Here (Deadline: Feb 25)

Wednesday, March 2 @7PM (Online)

Monday, March 14 @8:30PM (In-Person)

  • Fitness Testing (Hosted by CARD Calgary)

  • $5 Fee, first come first serve

  • Register Here

Tuesday, March 15 @7PM (Online)

Annual General Meeting - Save the Date!

Our AGM date is penciled in for Tuesday, April 5 @7PM (Online). More information including registration information and April IRT dates will be sent out later in March.

Topic Suggestions & Recommendations

We welcome membership suggestions regarding session topics. If you have any ideas feel free to email us at with topics you would like to see covered.

Members in Action Photos

We are looking to feature more members in our graphics, website and social media posts. If you have any refereeing photos please feel free to send them to us via direct message on Instagram or via email to

We look forward to seeing you in March. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
